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Pad Thai noodles

Pre-soak the noodles for at least 30 minutes in room temperature water. They should be soft yet firm.

Heat and season the wok. Add the Shrimp and grill for 90 seconds. Add the Eggs. When the eggs are not quite finished, add the Noodles, Sugar, Peanuts, Turnips and Paprika. Stir Fry for approximately 45 seconds or until all ingredients are mixed together and the noodles are wilted. Add the Peanuts, Fish Sauce, Oyster Sauce and vinegar. Follow with the Bean Sprouts, Green Onions and Red Chilli. Stir fry quickly ensuring everything in mixed together. If you like wet noodle dishes de glaze with a 4 -5 tablespoons of . water stock. If you like firmer dry noodles de glaze with only 1 or 2 tablespoons of water stock.

Place on Serving plate and garnish with more Bean Sprouts and a Lemon wedge.

If you don't like hot food you can omit the chili.

Feature Ingredients
Coconut Milk
Palm Sugar
Feature Recipes
Pad Thai Noodles
Rice & Zucchini Patties
Coconut and Pumpkin Soup
BBQ Chicken wings
Thai Fish Patties
Thai Coconut Ice Cream
Quick Facts
Chinese Chopsticks taper to a rounded end, Japanese taper to a pointed end and Korean taper to a blunted end.
Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, and in East Asia, as in Muslim nations, the left hand is used in the toilet.


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